Start Small
Getting started quickly and simply is a key attraction of lightweight frameworks. Equally, you get to choose what approaches to use for templating, database, security, and more, or use a convenient starting point with a scaffold. Pyramid excels at scaling down to the first hour of learning, while avoiding the pitfalls of framework magic.
- Start as a single-file module with little first-hour complexity
- Use a convenient scaffold to generate a sample project with your combination of subsystems
- Choose from a variety of templating, database, security solutions and more using the quality and convenience of Pyramid's add-on system
- Tap into a variety of high-quality documentation for evaluating, trying out, or doing advanced development with Pyramid
- Ask the growing Pyramid community for tips and successes
Finish Big
Ambitious projects aspire to grow big without losing their dignity. Pyramid is uniquely equipped to scale with you. Its configuration, extension, and add-on system gives the skeleton to support your ambitions, and its architecture ensures that you don't lose those performance and quality features you started with.
- Include and configure Pyramid add-ons inside your application
- Override and customize core code and add-ons from the outside, without forking
- Build and deliver re-usable subsystems inside and outside our organization
- Less magic by forgoing globals and import side-effects
- Use the configuration system to keep your wiring separate from your code
- Numerous extension facilities built into the framework
- Use Pyramid as a "framework framework" to craft your own special-purpose, domain-specific web system
- Gain insight from our long-standing culture of systems that organically get big
Stay Finished
Pyramid's simple first hour helps you get started and its extensability helps you finish your ambitions. There's life after shipping. Pyramid helps keep your application finished by understanding the full life cycle of a professional web application.
- Deep commitment to API stability and bug fixing over the 120+ software releases
- Culture of 100% test and documentation coverage makes Pyramid a future-proof choice
- Keeping configuration out of code means less forking and side-effects
- Long history of repeatable deployments provides a community culture of helpful tips
- Top-notch performance even as Pyramid grows
- Deep extensibility and large-scale design patterns means you won't outgrow it
- Strong following of Python practices (WSGI, packages, virtual environments, first to support Python 3) means you won't be out of the Python mainstream